PPO Networks

Easy Access to the Finest Regional and National Networks

Most of today’s health benefit plan designs are built around provider networks, encouraging the use of network providers by offering lower deductibles and coinsurance.  Some arrangements go even further by establishing a plan design in which benefits are substantially reduced if care is not received from network providers.

We provide our clients with access to a wide range of Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) in order to meet the needs of their employees, from large national PPOs to the best regional networks.  ASR has also developed its own PPO, Physicians Care Network.  Physicians Care has over 65,700 participating providers throughout Michigan, including physicians in all specialties and some of Michigan's finest hospitals.

After managing health benefits for over three decades, we know that all PPOs are not the same.  We can help you ask the right questions so you can select the PPO that best meets your needs.

Learn More About Physicians Care & HAP

Learn More About Extended Network Options