Wellness Incentive Plans

Population Health Management – Health Engagement Programs

ASR Health Benefits Population Health Management Programs are comprehensive, evidenced based, and data driven. We offer two types of programs, known as Health Engagement Programs.


We provide prevention in the healthy population to prevent or delay the onset of disease, e.g., physicals or biometrics every year or every other year to identify risks and ensure plan participants are engaged with a primary care provider.  Participants who make healthy choices receive premium reductions.


We identify high-risk plan participants with chronic conditions to prevent acute events (ER admissions and hospitalization) and to delay the consequences of unmanaged conditions, such as heart disease, renal failure, or stroke.  Here are some highlights of the Chronic Disease-Management Program:

  • We target 27 chronic conditions, each with established care standards, considered best practices by the medical community.
  • Participants with these chronic conditions are encouraged to complete specific care requirements, or essential components to improving health status.
  • We track each high-risk participant’s condition(s) and associated care standards for compliance, and we use claims data to identify gaps in care.
  • Navigator nurses (RNs) build relationships with the high-risk participants and use their clinical training and motivational-interviewing skills to assist and support each participant individually through telephonic communication.


ASR wants our plan participants to be as healthy as possible, so we have partnered with WebMD Health Services to offer the ASR Health Engagement Portal – a digital wellness manager offering free tools and programs designed to help participants with health and wellness goals.  Participants will have unlimited access to doctor-developed online tools to help manage health and increase overall well-being, such as a health assessment to provide a snapshot of current health status and a health tracker to monitor progress.  Further, participants may sync their health apps or wearable fitness trackers with the Portal.